Monday, July 13, 2020

Weight Loss Success Story - 002 - Andrew Lost 11kg & 42cm


(Lost 11kg & 42cm)*

Quotation Marks When I first looked at Herbalife, I was weighing in at 96kg and had a 102cm waist. I had seen friends get results from Herbalife. However, when I saw the price I thought it was a bit expensive and tried to lose weight of my own accord, but to no avail. I'm undisciplined and like cake!

I don't drink, smoke, or indulge in recreational substances and exercise a minimum of 3 times a week. Food is my downfall as well as not liking the thought of dieting.

I don't drink, smoke, or indulge in recreational substances and exercise a minimum of 3 times a week. Food is my downfall as well as not liking the thought of dieting.

Desperate to lose weight and to feel more comfortable in myself and be healthier, I returned to the idea of Herbalife. I started with the Premium Programme for the first 2 months, moving to the Advanced Programme on my 3rd month and then the QuickStart Programme in the months following.

I found it slightly difficult in the first few weeks to change my eating patterns, but the instant results achieved in lost centimetres motivated me to keep going. I did notice a slight drop in energy in the first few weeks, but that soon balanced out and I was still able to do 10km runs on some evenings even after a 12-hour shift in the Summer heat of the Pilbara.

As I said, I'm undisciplined and at times found I drifted off the programme during times of stressful study and challenging days at work.

This is my progress, taking measurements of my chest, waist, hips and thighs. (Shows kgs and centimetres lost)
  • After 2 weeks - 14cm & 3kg
  • After 4 weeks - 20cm & 6kg
  • After 7 weeks - 31cm & 7kg
  • After 9 weeks - 35cm & 10kg
  • After 12 weeks - 37cm & 11kg
  • After 16 weeks - 42cm & 11kg
I've now been taking Herbalife for 8 months and weigh in at 84-85kg and have lost 45-48cm lost depending on how strictly I stick to it, as I still have a sweet tooth.

I will continue to use Herbalife as I now see it as a small price for a product that gives me the results that I desire and to maintain the weight I've lost and/or shed a few more centimetres when I can motivate myself into a renewed effort.

I'd recommend Herbalife to anyone who is struggling to lose their unwanted kilo's, through dieting and exercise.
*Individual results will vary.

World No.1 Nutrition Supplement

At Herbalife Nutrition, our commitment to make the world’s best nutrition products is the same as our commitment to helping people reach their goals. That’s why we’re offering Members and customers the opportunity to meet those goals as Herbalife Nutrition Preferred Members!

you will need to fill-out the Herbalife Membership application and agreement

They will need to provide you with some basic information so that you can complete the application process:

  1. During stressful times one of the greatest benefits of regular exercise is its ability to make everyday life a little easier.
    Our nutritional programs have helped over 80 million people lose weight in over 94 countries around the world so we know we can help you too.

    •Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix (750g)
    •Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
    •Formula 3 Cell Activator®
    •Herbal Tea Concentrate‡ (50g)
    •Total Control®‡
    •Snack Defense®

    Preferred Customer – is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% and 35% discount on all purchases. 
    In the next step, you will be asked two (2) important questions during the signup process:
    As a fresh Distributor, you will receive all the information that you require in order to get a great start off: 
    Then complete the Sponsor Information
    Please select your Country of Residence* and Language

    Enter Sponsor's Herbalife ID Number:   →   10Y2193890
    First 3 letters of Sponsor's Last Name:  →     GUE 


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