Wednesday, December 30, 2020

26 Weight Loss Tips That Are Actually Evidence-Based

We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Here’s our process.

The weight loss industry is full of myths.

People are often advised to do all sorts of crazy things, most of which have no evidence behind them.

However, over the years, scientists have found a number of strategies that seem to be effective.

Here are 26 weight loss tips that are actually evidence-based.

1. Drink Water, Especially Before Meals

It is often claimed that drinking water can help with weight loss — and that’s true.

Drinking water can boost metabolism by 24–30% over a period of 1–1.5 hours, helping you burn off a few more calories.

One study showed that drinking a half-liter (17 ounces) of water about half an hour before meals helped dieters eat fewer calories and lose 44% more weight, compared to those who didn’t drink the water.

2. Eat Eggs For Breakfast

Eating whole eggs can have all sorts of benefits, including helping you lose weight.

Studies show that replacing a grain-based breakfast with eggs can help you eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours as well as lose more weight and body fat.

If you don’t eat eggs, that’s fine. Any source of quality protein for breakfast should do the trick.

3. Drink Coffee (Preferably Black)

Coffee has been unfairly demonized. Quality coffee is loaded with antioxidants and can have numerous health benefits.

Studies show that caffeine in coffee can boost metabolism by 3–11% and increase fat burning by up to 10–29%.

Just make sure not to add a bunch of sugar or other high-calorie ingredients to your coffee. That will completely negate any benefits.

You can shop for coffee at your local grocery store, as well as online.

4. Drink Green Tea

Like coffee, green tea also has many benefits, one of them being weight loss.

Though green tea contains small amounts of caffeine, it is loaded with powerful antioxidants called catechins, which are believed to work synergistically with caffeine to enhance fat burning.

Although the evidence is mixed, many studies show that green tea (either as a beverage or a green tea extract supplement) can help you lose weight.

Green tea is available at most pharmacies, health stores, and grocery stores, as well as online.

5. Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a popular eating pattern in which people cycle between periods of fasting and eating.

Short-term studies suggest intermittent fasting is as effective for weight loss as continuous calorie restriction.

Additionally, it may reduce the loss of muscle mass typically associated with low-calorie diets. However, higher-quality studies are needed before any stronger claims can be made.

6. Take a Glucomannan Supplement

A fiber called glucomannan has been linked to weight loss in several studies.

This type of fiber absorbs water and sits in your gut for a while, making you feel more full and helping you eat fewer calories.

Studies show that people who supplement with glucomannan lose a bit more weight than those who don’t.

You can find glucomannan supplements not only at vitamin shops and pharmacies but also online.

7. Cut Back on Added Sugar

Added sugar is one of the worst ingredients in the modern diet. Most people consume way too much.

Studies show that sugar (and high-fructose corn syrup) consumption is strongly associated with an increased risk of obesity, as well as conditions including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

If you want to lose weight, cut back on added sugar. Just make sure to read labels, because even so-called health foods can be loaded with sugar.

8. Eat Less Refined Carbs

Refined carbohydrates include sugar and grains that have been stripped of their fibrous, nutritious parts. These include white bread and pasta.

Studies show that refined carbs can spike blood sugar rapidly, leading to hunger, cravings, and increased food intake a few hours later. Eating refined carbs is strongly linked to obesity.

If you’re going to eat carbs, make sure to eat them with their natural fiber.

9. Go on a Low-Carb Diet

If you want to get all the benefits of carb restriction, then consider going all the way and committing to a low-carb diet.

Numerous studies show that such a regimen can help you lose 2–3 times as much weight as a standard low-fat diet while also improving your health.

10. Use Smaller Plates

Using smaller plates has been shown to help some people automatically eat fewer calories.

However, the plate-size effect doesn’t appear to affect everyone. Those who are overweight seem to be more affected.

11. Exercise Portion Control or Count Calories

Portion control — simply eating less — or counting calories can be very useful, for obvious reasons.

Some studies show that keeping a food diary or taking pictures of your meals can help you lose weight.

Anything that increases your awareness of what you are eating is likely to be beneficial.

12. Keep Healthy Food Around in Case You Get Hungry

Keeping healthy food nearby can help prevent you from eating something unhealthy if you become excessively hungry.

Snacks that are easily portable and simple to prepare include whole fruits, nuts, baby carrots, yogurt and hard-boiled eggs.

13. Take Probiotic Supplements

Taking probiotic supplements containing bacteria of the Lactobacillus subfamily has been shown to reduce fat mass.

However, the same doesn’t apply to all Lactobacillus species. Some studies have linked L. acidophilus with weight gain.

You can shop for probiotic supplements at many grocery stores, as well as online.

14. Eat Spicy Foods

Chili peppers contain capsaicin, a spicy compound that can boost metabolism and reduce your appetite slightly.

However, people may develop tolerance to the effects of capsaicin over time, which may limit its long-term effectiveness.

15. Do Aerobic Exercise

Doing aerobic exercise (cardio) is an excellent way to burn calories and improve your physical and mental health.

It appears to be particularly effective for losing belly fat, the unhealthy fat that tends to build up around your organs and cause metabolic disease.

16. Lift Weights

One of the worst side effects of dieting is that it tends to cause muscle loss and metabolic slowdown, often referred to as starvation mode.

The best way to prevent this is to do some sort of resistance exercise such as lifting weights. Studies show that weight lifting can help keep your metabolism high and prevent you from losing precious muscle mass.

Of course, it’s important not just to lose fat — you also want to build muscle. Resistance exercise is critical for a toned body.

17. Eat More Fiber

Fiber is often recommended for weight loss.

Although the evidence is mixed, some studies show that fiber (especially viscous fiber) can increase satiety and help you control your weight over the long term.

18. Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits have several properties that make them effective for weight loss.

They contain few calories but a lot of fiber. Their high water content gives them low energy density, making them very filling.

Studies show that people who eat vegetables and fruits tend to weigh less.

These foods are also very nutritious, so eating them is important for your health.

19. Get Good Sleep

Sleep is highly underrated but maybe just as important as eating healthy and exercising.

Studies show that poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity, as it’s linked to an 89% increased risk of obesity in children and 55% in adults.

20. Beat Your Food Addiction

A recent study found that 19.9% of people in North America and Europe fulfill the criteria for food addiction.

If you experience overpowering cravings and can’t seem to curb your eating no matter how hard you try, you may suffer from addiction.

In this case, seek professional help. Trying to lose weight without first combating food addiction is next to impossible.

21. Eat More Protein

Protein is the single most important nutrient for losing weight.

Eating a high-protein diet has been shown to boost metabolism by 80–100 calories per day while shaving 441 calories per day off your diet.

One study also showed that eating 25% of your daily calories as protein reduced obsessive thoughts about food by 60% while cutting the desire for late-night snacking in half.

Simply adding protein to your diet is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight.

22. Supplement With Whey Protein

If you struggle to get enough protein in your diet, taking a supplement — such as protein powder — can help.

One study showed that replacing some of your calories with whey protein can cause weight loss of about 8 pounds over time while increasing muscle mass.

Whey protein is available at most health stores and online.

23. Don’t Do Sugary Drinks, Including Soda and Fruit Juice

Sugar is bad, but sugar in liquid form is even worse. Studies show that calories from liquid sugar may be the single most fattening aspect of the modern diet.

For example, one study showed that sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to a 60% increased risk of obesity in children for each daily serving.

Keep in mind that this applies to fruit juice as well, which contains a similar amount of sugar as a soft drink like Coke.

Eat whole fruit, but limit or avoid fruit juice altogether.

24. Eat Whole, Single-Ingredient Foods (Real Food)

If you want to be a leaner, healthier person, then one of the best things you can do for yourself is to eat whole, single-ingredient foods.

These foods are naturally filling, and it’s very difficult to gain weight if the majority of your diet is based on them.

Here are 20 of the most weight loss-friendly foods on earth.

25. Don’t Diet — Eat Healthy Instead

One of the biggest problems with diets is that they rarely work in the long term.

If anything, people who diet tend to gain more weight over time, and studies show that dieting is a consistent predictor of future weight gain.

Instead of going on a diet, aim to become a healthier, happier, and fitter person. Focus on nourishing your body instead of depriving it.

Weight loss should then follow naturally.

26. Chew More Slowly

Your brain may take a while to register that you’ve had enough to eat. Some studies show that chewing more slowly can help you eat fewer calories and increase the production of hormones linked to weight loss.

Also, consider chewing your food more thoroughly. Studies show that increased chewing may reduce calorie intake at a meal.

These practices are a component of mindful eating, which aims to help you slow down your food intake and pay attention to each bite.


World No.1 Nutrition Supplement

At Herbalife Nutrition, our commitment to make the world’s best nutrition products is the same as our commitment to helping people reach their goals. That’s why we’re offering Members and customers the opportunity to meet those goals as Herbalife Nutrition Preferred Members!

you will need to fill-out the Herbalife Membership application and agreement

They will need to provide you with some basic information so that you can complete the application process:

During stressful times one of the greatest benefits of regular exercise is its ability to make everyday life a little easier.
Our nutritional programs have helped over 80 million people lose weight in over 94 countries around the world so we know we can help you too.

Preferred Customer – is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% and 35% discount on all purchases. 
In the next step, you will be asked two (2) important questions during the signup process:
As a fresh Distributor, you will receive all the information that you require in order to get a great start off: 
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Enter Sponsor's Herbalife ID Number:   →     W2003069
First 3 letters of Sponsor's Last Name:  →     PRA


Weight Management: Search to End Results Step by step Process

Step 1

Apply Online as a Preferred Member 

Step 2

Choose The Products For Basic 
Search by SKU
  1. SKU 4809 - 1: Ultimate program French Vanilla 1 Kit
  2. SKU 0194 - 2: Personalized Protein Powder 12.7 Oz.
  3. SKU 0366 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Citrus Lemon 14 Bars per Box
  4. SKU 0364 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Vanilla Almond 14 Bars per Box
Use the Products as per the label 

Step 3

Personalized Program for Weight Management  


Delivers proper protein, but with fewer calories to promote weight and fat loss when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces two meals per day with a Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake.


Delivers proper protein and calories to help you maintain your weight when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces one meal per day (breakfast) with a HerbalifeNutrition Formula 1 shake.


Supplement the Daily Nutrition Plan with additional Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shakes, up to a total of three shakes per day.

Add 2 TBSP of Personalized Protein Powder
to each shake.

Step 4
Feel Free Contact at any time at Instagram messenger: @fiteasyno1 &

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The 16 Best Weight Loss Programs of 2020

We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Here’s our process.

Every year millions of adults in the United States try to lose weight.

Along with exercise, dieting is one of the most common methods used to promote weight loss.

However, not all diets are created equal, which can make it challenging to find a weight loss program that’s safe, sustainable, and effective.

The programs featured in this article were selected based on the following criteria:

  • nutritional quality
  • sustainability
  • effectiveness for weight loss
  • additional health benefits
  • supporting research

This article looks at 16 of the best weight loss programs in 2020.

Photography by Aya Brackett

1. Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is inspired by the eating patterns of countries like Italy, Spain, and Greece.

A well-rounded Mediterranean diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, proteins, and healthy fats.

Meanwhile, added sugars and foods that have been heavily processed or refined are restricted.

Although the diet isn’t specifically designed for weight loss, many studies have demonstrated that following the Mediterranean Diet could lead to weight loss.

For example, one analysis of 16 studies showed that those who paired the Mediterranean diet with physical activity and calorie restriction lost significantly more weight than those in a control group.

Plus, other research suggests that the Mediterranean Diet may help prevent chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

For an easy resource to help get you started on the Mediterranean diet, check out “The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook,” which features a variety of delicious recipes and in-depth information about the diet.

Shop for “The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook” online.

2. Plant-based diet

Plant-based diets encourage you to eat foods from plants, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils, and legumes.

Unlike vegan or vegetarian diets, most plant-based diets don’t eliminate meat or animal products entirely. However, these foods are only enjoyed in moderation and not generally considered to be the main focus of the diet.

Plant-based diets are particularly rich in fiber — the parts of plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are resistant to digestion. Fiber helps keep you full between meals to promote weight loss.

According to one review of 12 studies, people who followed a plant-based vegetarian diet lost an average of 4.5 pounds (2 kg) more than those who followed a non-vegetarian diet over 18 weeks.

Another review of 32 studies found that plant-based diets were more effective for weight loss, compared with conventional diets, and even led to greater improvements in blood sugar control, cholesterol levels, and inflammation.

To learn more about plant-based diets, check out the book “The Plant-Based Diet for Beginners” by Gabriel Miller, which offers a variety of resources, including recipes and shopping lists.

Shop for “The Plant-Based Diet for Beginners” by Gabriel Miller online.

Best for diabetes

3. carb-restricted diet

Carb-restricted diets are often recommended to help support blood sugar control and increase weight loss among those with type 2 diabetes.

There are many types of carb-restricted diets, but most of them involve limiting the consumption of foods that are high in sugar or carbs, such as desserts, candy, bread, and pasta.

Although some carb-restricted diets, such as the Atkins or ketogenic diet, also require significantly reducing your carb consumption to 20–50 grams per day, low carb diets are defined as any diet comprising less than 130 grams of carbs per day.

One study in 49 people with type 2 diabetes found that a low carb diet was more effective at improving blood sugar levels than a low-fat diet. What’s more, it led to reductions in cholesterol and body mass index (BMI) after 3 months.

Another study in 124 people with type 2 diabetes found that following a low carb, high-fat diet was linked to improved blood sugar control and increased weight loss, compared with a control group.

If you want to learn more about carb-restricted diets, you can find valuable resources online, or check out this article to get you started.

Shop for books on carb-restricted diets online.

4. Mayo Clinic diet

The Mayo Clinic diet is an eating plan originally developed by experts at the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit hospital system that’s considered to be a leader in medical research.

The Mayo Clinic diet is focused on developing healthy habits like eating breakfast every day, exercising daily, and keeping a food journal.

It also promotes nutritious ingredients, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, while limiting added sugars and saturated fat from full-fat dairy and high-fat meats.

Although there aren’t any peer-reviewed studies on the Mayo Clinic diet specifically, studies show that following a diet high in fiber and low in saturated fat may aid weight loss and blood sugar control.

Other research suggests that reducing your intake of saturated fat or added sugars may also enhance your body’s ability to use insulin, the hormone that’s responsible for carrying sugar from your bloodstream into your cells.

You can learn more about the Mayo Clinic diet on the Mayo Clinic’s website, or find valuable information in books on the topic.

Shop for books on the Mayo Clinic diet online.

Best for PCOS

5. Low carb diet

Low carb diets involve restricting your intake of carbs, including high carb foods like bread, pasta, and sweets.

Some research suggests that reduced sensitivity to insulin may play a role in the development of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

As such, low carb diets are often recommended to improve insulin sensitivity and help manage symptoms of PCOS.

One review of eight studies showed that following a low carb diet could help increase weight loss and improve hormone levels in women with PCOS.

What’s more, another review of seven studies showed that low carb diets could help balance hormones and improve fertility in women with PCOS.

Shop for books on the low carb diet online.

6. Anti-inflammatory diet

Anti-inflammatory diets emphasize foods rich in nutrients that have been shown to fight inflammation, including antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

These diets are rich in foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish. They also typically limit processed products, fried foods, and sugar-sweetened beverages.

Studies show that increasing your intake of anti-inflammatory foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts may be beneficial for weight loss.

In addition to promoting weight loss, following an anti-inflammatory diet may help alleviate symptoms of PCOS.

In fact, high levels of inflammation are thought to contribute to symptoms of PCOS and may be associated with increased levels of androgens, or male sex hormones.

One study in 100 women with PCOS found that pairing a calorie-restricted, anti-inflammatory diet with regular physical activity for 12 weeks significantly increased weight loss and improved hormone levels, menstrual cycle regularity, blood sugar control, and fertility.

Dorothy Calimeris and Lulu Cook’s book “The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners” is an excellent resource for more information on the anti-inflammatory diet.

Shop for “The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners” by Dorothy Calimeris and Lulu Cook online.

Best for heart health

7. DASH diet

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is an eating plan intended to promote weight loss, reduce blood pressure levels, and protect against heart disease.

The diet promotes nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Meanwhile, red meat and foods high in added sugar, salt, or fat are limited.

According to one review of 13 studies, participants who followed the DASH diet lost more weight and belly fat than those following other calorie-restricted diets for 8–24 weeks.

The DASH diet has likewise been shown to decrease levels of blood pressure, total cholesterol, and LDL (bad) cholesterol — all of which are risk factors for heart disease.

There are a variety of books and resources on the DASH diet, or you can check out this article to get you started.

Shop for books on the DASH diet online.

8. TLC diet

The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) diet is a plan developed by the National Cholesterol Education Program to support healthy cholesterol levels.

On the TLC diet, foods high in fat and dietary cholesterol are limited, while foods high in soluble fiber — a type of fiber that dissolves in water — are encouraged.

The diet also recommends aiming for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise daily.

Increasing your intake of soluble fiber and adding more physical activity into your routine are two common strategies for promoting weight loss.

Plus, several older studies have even found that the TLC diet can decrease levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, and enhance immune function.

Check out this free guide to the TLC diet which is provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Best for menopause

9. Intermittent fasting

Although there are many styles and variations of intermittent fasting, most involve restricting food intake for 14–24 hours at a time.

Some research suggests that intermittent fasting may be particularly beneficial for women during menopause.

It has been shown to increase weight loss to a similar extent as cutting calories, and it may also help boost fat-burning.

Intermittent fasting may likewise reduce insulin resistance and help stabilize blood sugar levels, both of which can be especially beneficial during menopause.

What’s more, other research suggests that intermittent fasting may help support mental health during menopause by enhancing self-esteem, as well as reducing stress levels and symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Some studies have found that intermittent fasting could affect men and women differently, indicating that women may be more sensitive to the effects of fasting.

Therefore, women may benefit from a more relaxed approach to fasting, which could include intermittent fasting just a few times per week, consuming a small number of calories during fasts, or limiting fasting periods to 14–16 hours at a time.

Be sure to also follow a healthy and balanced diet during non-fasting periods to maximize the potential benefits.

10. Pescatarian diet

The pescatarian diet is a mostly plant-based diet that includes fish and seafood.

There are several variations of pescatarian diets, but most of them exclude meat and poultry from the diet but include other animal products like fish, eggs, dairy, and honey.

Studies suggest that pescatarians tend to have a lower BMI and improved diet quality, compared with non-vegetarians.

The diet may also be particularly beneficial for those with thyroid issues like hypothyroidism, as it encourages the consumption of seafood that’s rich in selenium, a mineral that’s essential for the production of thyroid hormones.

Plus, fish like cod and tuna can help protect against iodine deficiency, another factor that can contribute to thyroid issues.

However, keep in mind that this diet may not necessarily be suitable for all thyroid conditions, and those with conditions like Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease may benefit from an individualized dietary pattern tailored to their needs.

Many books can provide more information on the pescatarian diet, along with meal plans and recipes to get you started.

11. Ornish Diet

The Ornish Diet is a low fat, a plant-based eating pattern that promotes nutritious ingredients like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

While weight control is not the primary goal of the Ornish Diet, multiple studies have found that it may be effective for long-term weight loss.

For example, one study in 311 women showed that participants who followed the Ornish Diet for 12 months lost an average of 5 pounds (2.2 kg).

Another small study found that the Ornish Diet was more effective for weight loss than other popular diet plans like Atkins and the ZONE Diet, resulting in 7.5 pounds (3.3 kg) of weight loss after 1 year.

Keep in mind that the Ornish Diet restricts fat intake quite a bit and limits the consumption of several healthy foods like nuts, seeds, and oils. Thus, careful planning is necessary to ensure that you’re meeting your nutritional needs while following the Ornish Diet.

12. Jenny Craig

Jenny Craig is a popular program that delivers prepackaged, portion-controlled meals to help simplify weight loss.

Jenny Craig may be an especially good fit for many older adults, as it’s simple, easy to follow, and doesn’t require extensive planning or preparation.

Plans are tailored to your specific weight loss goals but typically provide 1,200–2,300 calories per day.

One massive review of 39 studies found that Jenny Craig participants experienced nearly 5% more weight loss after 1 year, compared with those in a control group and people who underwent behavioral counseling.

In another study in 133 women with overweight, participants who followed Jenny Craig lost an average of 11.5 pounds (5.3 kg) over 12 weeks.

13. MIND diet

The Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, or MIND diet, combines certain aspects of the Mediterranean and DASH diets to help combat the mental decline.

On the MIND diet, foods like fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and whole grains are encouraged, while foods high in saturated or trans fats are limited.

Although research on the effects of the MIND diet for weight control specifically is limited, both the Mediterranean and DASH diets have been associated with increased weight loss.

Additionally, studies show that the MIND diet may help preserve brain function with aging and be linked to a lower risk of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

To get started, check out “The MIND Diet Plan and Cookbook” by Julie Andrews, which provides shopping lists, meal plans, and recipes aimed at promoting better brain health.

Shop for “The MIND Diet Plan and Cookbook” by Julie Andrews online.

Best for couples

14. WW (formerly Weight Watchers)

WW, formerly Weight Watchers, is a diet program that uses a points-based system to promote long-lasting, sustainable weight loss.

Foods and drinks are assigned a SmartPoints value, and members are allotted a specific number of points to use each day.

Depending on which plan you select, there are also 100 to over 300 ZeroPoints foods available, which are foods that don’t count toward your daily SmartPoints budget.

WW may be a good option for couples that want to lose weight, as the program is flexible and still allows you to eat out together and enjoy your favorite foods.

WW even offers a couple’s package, which provides a discounted rate for a dual membership.

One large review of 39 studies showed that Weight Watchers participants lost at least 2.6% more weight over 1 year than a control group or those who received behavioral counseling (59Trusted Source).

Another study in 1,267 people found that those who followed Weight Watchers for 1 year lost more weight and still had greater overall weight loss after 2 years than those who received self-help materials or brief nutrition advice.

However, this study was funded by Weight Watchers, which may have influenced the results.

Additional information on WW and how to get started can be found on their website.

Best on a budget

15. Vegetarian diet

Switching to a vegetarian diet is a great way to lose weight and save some money.

In fact, plant-based protein sources like canned beans, lentils, tofu, and tempeh can be a cost-effective alternative to meat, poultry, and seafood.

Following a vegetarian diet can also be an easy way to boost weight loss.

One review of 12 studies found that people who followed a vegetarian diet lost significantly more weight than those who followed non-vegetarian diets over an average of 18 weeks.

In another review, 75% of studies included showed that following a vegetarian diet was associated with better overall diet quality, compared with non-vegetarian diets.

Countless books can provide more information on vegetarian diets and their potential health benefits.

16. BistroMD

BistroMD is a meal delivery service that’s specifically designed to promote long-lasting weight loss.

The program was designed by bariatric physician Dr. Caroline J. Cederquist and features over 150 chef-prepared meals that are ready to enjoy in just 5 minutes or less.

You can select from plans that offer breakfast, lunch, or dinner and mix and match your favorite recipes to create a custom meal plan.

Gluten-free means and programs geared toward heart health, diabetes, and menopause are also available.

Although there are no studies on the effectiveness of BistroMD specifically, the program provides meals that are low in calories and high in protein, which can help reduce your appetite and promote weight loss.

The program also provides access to an online community and individual support from a registered dietitian to help you reach your weight loss goals.


World No.1 Nutrition Supplement

At Herbalife Nutrition, our commitment to make the world’s best nutrition products is the same as our commitment to helping people reach their goals. That’s why we’re offering Members and customers the opportunity to meet those goals as Herbalife Nutrition Preferred Members!

you will need to fill-out the Herbalife Membership application and agreement

They will need to provide you with some basic information so that you can complete the application process:

During stressful times one of the greatest benefits of regular exercise is its ability to make everyday life a little easier.
Our nutritional programs have helped over 80 million people lose weight in over 94 countries around the world so we know we can help you too.

Preferred Customer – is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% and 35% discount on all purchases. 
In the next step, you will be asked two (2) important questions during the signup process:
As a fresh Distributor, you will receive all the information that you require in order to get a great start off: 
Then complete the Sponsor Information
Please select your Country of Residence* and Language

Enter Sponsor's Herbalife ID Number:   →     W2003069
First 3 letters of Sponsor's Last Name:  →     PRA


Weight Management: Search to End Results Step by step Process

Step 1

Apply Online as a Preferred Member 

Step 2

Choose The Products For Basic 
Search by SKU
  1. SKU 4809 - 1: Ultimate program French Vanilla 1 Kit
  2. SKU 0194 - 2: Personalized Protein Powder 12.7 Oz.
  3. SKU 0366 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Citrus Lemon 14 Bars per Box
  4. SKU 0364 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Vanilla Almond 14 Bars per Box
Use the Products as per the label 

Step 3

Personalized Program for Weight Management  


Delivers proper protein, but with fewer calories to promote weight and fat loss when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces two meals per day with a Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake.


Delivers proper protein and calories to help you maintain your weight when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces one meal per day (breakfast) with a HerbalifeNutrition Formula 1 shake.


Supplement the Daily Nutrition Plan with additional Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shakes, up to a total of three shakes per day.

Add 2 TBSP of Personalized Protein Powder
to each shake.

Step 4
Feel Free Contact at any time at Instagram messenger: @fiteasyno1 &

Monday, December 28, 2020


It seems that you can’t look at any magazine, television program, or read through any website without seeing some advertisement or story about how to lose weight. And unfortunately, we are being inundated with information about weight loss due to the rising obesity rates and numbers of people struggling to lose or control their weight.

Despite the media attention and all the information that’s available, people simply aren’t losing weight. But there are some very good reasons for this: too much misinformation is available, too many people rely on fad diets, too many people look for a pill to help them lose weight and too many people just don’t want to acknowledge that it takes some work to lose the weight. Yet for those who do work to lose weight, the end result is always worth it.

It’s important to make the right kind of changes in order to lose weight and to keep that weight off over time. You will be healthier and your body will work more efficiently if you choose nutritious, high-quality foods, and effective, high-impact exercises. Here are some steps to help you out.

1. Keep your eyes on the prize and visualize your goals

Understand why you’re losing weight and what your purpose is. Take some time to re-affirm that losing weight is not just about looking good but is also about being healthy. You may need to do this step every day, especially during those days that you struggle.

2. Have realistic goals

You are not going to lose 20 kilograms in a week, so making that your goal will only set you up for failure. There’s an old adage that slow and steady wins the race. As you embark on a weight loss journey, use this adage as your mantra to help you set goals that are both challenging and within reason.

3. Write down what you’re eating and be specific

This is extremely important, especially when you just start on your new plan. You will be surprised at how many times you sabotage your diet and exercise plan without even realizing it.

4. Be persistent and overcome

There will be times when you just don’t follow your plan. Perhaps it’s that evening when you eat a whole bag of sweets in one sitting. Don’t let this derail your entire journey. Use it as a lesson to be learned and move forward.

5. Tell your friends and family about your goals

This will create some accountability for you and will also provide you with support from those who care about you and love you.

6. Remember that this is a lifestyle and not a diet

Diets end. And when they do, you go back to what you did before, which means you gain back the weight. Incorporate changes into your life that are permanent.

7. Reward yourself

As you meet your goals, choose non-food ways to reward yourself. Buy yourself a new outfit, go watch the latest movie, or splurge on a spa session.

8. Don’t mind the scale

As people begin new exercise and food regimens, their weight may very well increase for a while. This is because you are gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Pay attention to how your clothes fit and how much better you feel for at least the first few months.

9. Drink More Water

Many people mistake the feeling of thirst for the feeling of hunger. Sip on water all day long, making sure to consume 2.5 liters every day.

10. Add in the Fibre

Fiber makes you feel fuller for a longer period of time. However, if you currently don’t eat a lot of fiber, add it in slowly as too much at once can cause digestion issues.

11. Ditch The Soda

There’s nothing worse than drinking empty calories. And choosing diet sodas are no better. Research is showing that diet sodas may actually lead to weight and fat gain. If you need something fizzy to drink, choose sparkling water or make your own water kefir.

12. Pack your lunch

Going out to restaurants or grabbing snacks from the vending machine will only lead to consuming too many non-nutritious calories, see more at Ireland Business Directory. Plan ahead so you have vegetables, fruits, and lean protein in every meal.

13. Choose half portions when out with friends

Restaurant portions have greatly increased in size over the years. Get yourself back to what used to be normal and either select half portions, choose a small appetizer, or split your meal with someone else.

14. Snack away

Snacks are not necessarily bad. Very small snacks of nutrient-dense foods can help you feel full all day long and can help you from over-eating at mealtime. Choose a few almonds, a small apple, or some chia pudding for a healthy snack.

15. Use the apple rule

If you decide you’re hungry, ask yourself if you’re hungry enough to eat an apple. If the answer is “no”, then you are probably not eating because of hunger. You may be eating out of boredom, stress, or thirst

16. Buy smaller plates and bowls

Studies show that as portions have increased over the years, so has our plate size. Instead of leaving half your plate empty when serving yourself, which may make you feel as if you’re being deprived, simply purchase smaller plates and bowls.

17. Ingest the Healthy Fats

For too many years, we’ve been told to eat a low-fat diet to lose weight. This advice is wrong. When you eat a small amount of very healthy fats every day, you will become less inclined to overeat. Healthy fats include cold-pressed, non-processed oils such as virgin olive oil, unrefined coconut oil, walnut oil, or sunflower seed oil.

18. Eat Your Veggies

At least 50% to 75% of your plate should be vegetables. Pick colorful ones, which have the most antioxidants and nutrients. Do not drown them in unhealthy sauces or dressing. Simply use some real butter or olive oil and vinegar to top them.

19. Drink green tea

Add in a cup or two of green tea every day and you will also be jumpstarting your metabolism and providing some energy. Don’t drink too late in the day though, though as green tea does contain caffeine.

20. Double the Protein

Studies have shown that people who double their lean protein level lose more weight and fat than those who keep protein at a steady level. Incorporate lean cuts of chicken, pork, and beef and incorporate them in every meal. Eggs are also a delicious source of protein.

21. Start your day with a healthy breakfast

For most people, skipping breakfast simply equates to gorging later when they feel like they are starving. Make a high-protein and high-fiber breakfast a priority and you will avoid this entirely.

22. Cut down on alcohol consumption

There’s nothing worse than drinking empty calories and as much fun as a few beers sound, these calories add up and can reverse any progress you’re making. Once you hit a target weight, adding back a few beers shouldn’t be an issue.

23. Make sure every meal has at least 3 food groups

Each meal should have protein, vegetables, and grains. When you choose grains, make sure to choose whole grains that provide plenty of fiber and nutrients.

24. Never Skip Meals

Always make sure to plan out your meals and always make sure you have on hand what you need to make those meals. The best way to get off track is to stop planning what you’re going to eat. This means you grab whatever is convenient and easy and that usually means unhealthy.

25. Add Cardio Exercises to Your Daily Routine

Cardio burns more calories on average than almost every other activity. Luckily, there are cardio choices to meet almost any personal taste. Running, hiking, walking, cycling, elliptical machines, stair climbing, rowing, skateboarding, playing soccer are all great examples of good cardio choices.


World No.1 Nutrition Supplement

At Herbalife Nutrition, our commitment to make the world’s best nutrition products is the same as our commitment to helping people reach their goals. That’s why we’re offering Members and customers the opportunity to meet those goals as Herbalife Nutrition Preferred Members!

you will need to fill-out the Herbalife Membership application and agreement

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During stressful times one of the greatest benefits of regular exercise is its ability to make everyday life a little easier.
Our nutritional programs have helped over 80 million people lose weight in over 94 countries around the world so we know we can help you too.

Preferred Customer – is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% and 35% discount on all purchases. 
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Weight Management: Search to End Results Step by step Process

Step 1

Apply Online as a Preferred Member 

Step 2

Choose The Products For Basic 
Search by SKU
  1. SKU 4809 - 1: Ultimate program French Vanilla 1 Kit
  2. SKU 0194 - 2: Personalized Protein Powder 12.7 Oz.
  3. SKU 0366 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Citrus Lemon 14 Bars per Box
  4. SKU 0364 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Vanilla Almond 14 Bars per Box
Use the Products as per the label 

Step 3

Personalized Program for Weight Management  


Delivers proper protein, but with fewer calories to promote weight and fat loss when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces two meals per day with a Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake.


Delivers proper protein and calories to help you maintain your weight when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces one meal per day (breakfast) with a HerbalifeNutrition Formula 1 shake.


Supplement the Daily Nutrition Plan with additional Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shakes, up to a total of three shakes per day.

Add 2 TBSP of Personalized Protein Powder
to each shake.

Step 4
Feel Free Contact at any time at Instagram messenger: @fiteasyno1 &