Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Can you build muscle with calisthenics?

If you want to build calisthenics muscle mass and bulk up, you need to pick up some heavy stuff repeatedly… or so you’re told.

I’m here to tell you that you don’t. Your body alone is heavy enough to achieve that same exact goal, minus the expensive gym membership, free weights, and complicated machines.

Not only does bodyweight training allow you to bulk up as well as a bodybuilder, but it provides your body with more than just some new, pretty-looking muscle. With bodyweight training, you build muscle, increase strength, develop endurance… and get into a split while you’re at it!

Yes, You Can Build Mass With Calisthenics

Why would lifting weights be more effective than bodyweight training? Your body doesn’t differentiate the kind of weight you’re working on, but rather how you work. Bodybuilders have the muscle-building technique down pat, while calisthenics tends to be better-known for muscle endurance.

…but that’s not all calisthenics is good for!

We live in a society convinced that without the gym, you can’t get fit.

I’m here to tell you…that’s a preconceived notion and a load of bullsh– bullcrap.

Ever Google male gymnasts? They’re packed with muscle, yet rely ONLY on bodyweight training.

Here’s the thing: to build calisthenics muscle mass, you gotta train a bit differently.

The “Science” Behind Building Muscle Mass

How does calisthenics muscle mass grow? If you don’t know, well… you should, and I’m here to help you in to find out how.

Muscle doesn’t grow while you’re training it. It grows when you’re resting.

For your muscles to experience that growth, they need to be challenged by tension or weight for an extended period of time. It is this specific kind of stress that breaks down muscles with micro-tears.

Rest allows them to rebuild. If you’re eating enough calories, your body will naturally use that rest-time to both restore the muscle and add some mass to it.

Calisthenics can easily recreate a situation where enough tension or weight is placed long enough on the muscle that it’ll resist, then tear, and rebuild with more mass. The more you train, the more tension or weight you’ll need to place on the muscle. It’s levels of resistance grow the more you train and develop strength.

See? You don’t need to be a bodybuilder to build calisthenics muscle mass.

How do I build muscle mass with calisthenics?

Create tension/resistance in the muscle.

This stress will help your muscle grow in the same way weight-lifting would.

But if you want to build muscle mass as quickly as possible, calisthenics won’t be right for you.

If you want to make it a long-term thing though, calisthenics is totally for you.

Calisthenics is focused on progressions. Start with what your body allows you to do, then up the ante as you keep training.

More than that, don’t think that just because you can easily execute 20+ push-ups, you’re advanced.

Calisthenics wants you to slow it down, and focus on your form.

Here’s some useful terminology if you take your training seriously

1. Concentric, or positive movement is the movement where you go up in your push-up. Technically, it’s the motion of an active muscle while it’s retracting under load.

2. Eccentric, or negative movement is the movement where you go down in your push-up. Technically, it’s the motion of an active muscle while it’s lengthening under load.

Bodyweight Muscle-Building Techniques

You don’t need to be a bodybuilder to build muscle mass, but you do need technique. Here are some of the main tricks you can use to maximize your bodyweight training aiming to build muscle mass.

1. Slow it DOWN

Bodyweight training relies heavily on the application of concentric and eccentric movement. Depending on how you train both concentric and eccentric movements, your body will develop differently.

So even if you can do 20+ push-ups, I want you to slow down the entire movement and deconstruct it into separate steps.

Instead of powering through as many push-ups as you can, do less, and focus on your form. In fact, try taking 30 seconds for each aspect of the movement.  

Go down slowly, controlling your descent the entire time (4s minimum). Once you get down to a couple of inches from the ground, stop for a couple of seconds before pushing yourself back up in one explosive move.

By doing this, you’re taking the time for your eccentric movement to happen. You’re helping the muscle develop differently than most people train it. In fact, eccentric movements are where the micro-tears I mentioned will happen most.

So stop ignoring the eccentric movements if you want to gain that big muscle!

If you work out early in the morning, make sure to eat a meal right after.

This is a promise: your body and energy will thank you.

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