1 Spice up your food with chili peppers.
Want a slimmer body? Then start bringing the heat in the kitchen. Research published in 2013 in the journal PLoS One reveals that capsaicin—the component in chili peppers that gives them that trademark heat—increases a person's ability to burn fat. Better yet, people tend to eat smaller portions of spicy food than they would a milder dish, so adding peppers to your meals may also help you cut back on portion sizes.
2 Go to bed earlier.
Sorry, night owls: Going to bed earlier might just be a better bet when you're trying to lose weight. Research published in 2013 by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that later bedtimes—and the associated sleep loss—may increase a person's risk of weight gain in the long run. Luckily, it only takes a few days to reset your body's internal clock—and when you start seeing those pounds melt off, you'll realize it was well worth it.
3 Eat an apple before each meal.
An apple day keeps the doctor and pounds away, according to one oft-referenced 2003 study published in the journal Nutrition. Researchers actually found that consuming an apple three times a day is associated with greater weight loss. For maximum impact, eat a red apple and you'll get a boost of belly-fat-blasting resveratrol, too.
4 And keep the apple peel intact.
Leaving the peel on your apple may actually boost your weight loss even more. According to research published in 2012 in PLoS One, the ursolic acid found in apple peels may increase your stores of fat-torching brown fat and muscle. So that apple peel can help you lose weight and combat some of the deleterious effects of a high-fat diet.
5 Say some affirmations.
Instead of beating yourself up over past weight loss failures, try saying some affirmations to get yourself going. Research published in 2016 in the Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology shows that self-affirmation is significantly associated with positive behavioral changes. So don't be afraid to stand in front of the mirror and remind yourself of what an amazing job you're going to do.
6 Fill up on fibrous foods.
If you're trying to rid yourself of those extra pounds, adding the filling, fiber-rich foods to your diet—like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains—will help you achieve your goal a whole lot faster than depriving yourself. According to 2015 research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, increasing your fiber intake results in more weight loss than a low-fiber diet—and all it takes is 30 grams of per day.
7 Add some MCT oil to your morning coffee.
A little fat in your morning brew can go a long way when it comes to shedding the fat from your body, particularly if you opt for a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil. One 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that MCT oil supplementation yielded greater weight loss than olive oil, so go ahead and add some to your coffee or smoothie to maximize your fat-burning abilities.
8 Add whey protein to your meal plan.
Losing weight doesn't have to mean spending hours in the kitchen prepping food. In fact, a whey protein shake might just be what you need to slim down. Research published in 2014 in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that subbing in whey protein for a more carbohydrate-rich meal helped study subjects lose more weight than those who stuck to carb-heavy snacks.
9 Get your house in order.
If you want to clean up your eating habits, then you should start by cleaning up your house. One 2013 study published in Psychological Science found that organized spaces promoted healthier food choices, so there's no time like the present to get your spring cleaning started.
10 Eat dessert for breakfast.
Losing weight doesn't have to mean skipping dessert. However, you might want to eat it earlier in the day. In 2012, researchers at Tel Aviv University found that obese, non-diabetic study subjects who ate dessert as part of a 600-calorie breakfast lost more weight and kept it off in the long term when compared to a group eating a 300-calorie, low-carbohydrate breakfast.
11 Break up with white carbs.
If you're trying to slim down, that white bread should be the first item on your veto list. Research published in 2010 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that people with increased intakes of refined grains are significantly more likely to have excess belly fat than those who favor more fiber-rich grain-based products.
12 Identify your motivation.
When you're slogging through another seemingly endless workout, it can be hard to remember why you started in the first place. The good news? Research published in 2012 in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity reveals that addressing the factors that contribute to or hinder motivation can help keep you on track toward reaching your goals in the long run.
13 Reduce your total carb count.
While you don't have to jump on the keto diet bandwagon, lowering your total carb count could go a long way in terms of your weight loss. A 2009 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that low-carb diets were effective at reducing both total body mass and insulin resistance among obese study subjects over a 12-month period.
14 Sip on some apple cider vinegar.
A shot of apple cider vinegar in the morning might be the key to getting the body you've always wanted. The results of one 2009 study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry reveal that consuming acetic acid—a major component in vinegar—reduces weight, waist circumference, and visceral fat.
15 Stop buying pre-prepared foods.
Put down the frozen food. While many ready-made meals are marketed as nutritious alternatives to home cooking, research published in 2015 in the British Journal of Nutrition reveals that consumption of such meals is linked to increased rates of obesity and an increased risk of excess belly fat.
16 Eat fewer potatoes.
Think only refined carbohydrates have an effect on your weight? Think again. Research published in 2010 in the journal ARYA Atherosclerosis suggests that even regular consumption of potatoes is correlated with obesity.
However, that doesn't mean that every potato is created equal. The occasional fiber-rich baked sweet potato or side of potato wedges is unlikely to derail your diet in the same way an oversized order of salty, greasy French fries would. So just be careful about how you order your spuds.
17 Keep tempting foods out of sight.
One of the quickest ways to kick off your weight loss journey is also one of the easiest: by putting tempting foods away. Research conducted at Cornell University in 2015 found that individuals who kept fruit on their kitchen counters had lower BMIs overall, and individuals of an average weight were less likely than their obese counterparts to keep snack foods, like pastries, on the kitchen counter.
18 Clench your muscles to avoid temptation.
The next time you're trying hard to turn down that tempting piece of pie in pursuit of a slimmer body, just clench your muscles. According to a 2011 study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, clenching a muscle has a pronounced effect on a person's willpower and makes it easier to look temptation in the face and say, "Not today."
19 Add some cloves to your cooking.
Add some spicy flavor to your food—and slim down—with a few cloves. In addition to making food more flavorful, the aforementioned research published in 2010 in the Annual Review of Nutrition suggests that cloves are effective at reducing bodily inflammation and an individual's risk of obesity.
20 Eat in front of a mirror.
Looking for a dining companion who supports your weight loss? Try looking into a mirror. In fact, research published in 2016 in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research found that individuals who ate a piece of cake in front of the mirror found its flavorless appealing than those who ate it in a more typical dining environment.
21 Add a slice of lemon to your H2O.
Drinking an adequate amount of water every day is vital to weight loss efforts, especially in the summertime. However, it can prove difficult to down some 80 ounces of H2O on a daily basis. That's where lemons come in. Not only do they give water a pleasantly tangy flavor, but "all that extra vitamin C from the lemons will help to boost your immunity, clean up free radicals, and even protect your memory as you age," says Lisa Richards, a certified nutritionist and creator of the Candida diet.
22 Prepare more meals at home.
Want a mealtime solution that's as good for your waistline as it is for your wallet? Try prepping your food at home. Research published in 2014 in Public Health Nutrition reveals that regularly eating meals prepared at home is associated with a lower total caloric intake as well as lower sugar consumption.
23 Scale back your meat intake.
While adding more protein to your diet can help you lose some weight, making your meals too meat-heavy may have the opposite effect. In one study presented in 2016 at the International Conference on Nutrition and Food Sciences, meat consumption was significantly linked to the rise in obesity rates. Instead, try getting some of your protein from healthier, plant-based sources like nuts and legumes, and opt for leaner cuts of meat to satisfy your cravings.
24 Ditch the trans fats.
Calories from trans fats may be slowing your weight loss efforts down, even if you're not overeating. And while the Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) ban on trans fats went into effect in June of 2018, products manufactured before that date can still be distributed until January 2020, which means that some foods still contain them.
Those foods include some brands of vegetable shortening, microwavable popcorn, margarine and vegetable oils, non-dairy coffee creamers, bakery products, and fried food, according to Healthline.
25 Lay off the sauce—the barbecue sauce, that is.
With so many barbecues featuring juicy burgers and radiant racks of ribs, it can prove difficult to stick to a strict meal plan in the summertime. However, you don't have to deprive yourself completely of your favorite seasonal meats in order to lose weight. Rather, all you have to do is "think differently about how you fire up the grill," says Micah Siva, RD, a registered dietitian, trained chef, and founder of NutritionXKitchen.
So how can you enjoy a BBQ without derailing your diet? "Rethink sweet sauces and opt for fresh herbs, citrus zest, and spices for delicious and low-calorie flavoring," suggests Siva. "Try using plant-based proteins in place of, or in addition to, your barbecued meats. Choose fresh vegetable side dishes, and whole-grain buns if you're serving up burgers."
26 Eat your meals more slowly and more deliberately.
Your waistline will greatly benefit if you try to slow down your meals a bit. Research published in 2018 in BMJ Open reveals that slower eating is significantly associated with reduced BMI and waist circumference.
27 Pick up some nuts at the grocery store.
Nuts may be high in fat, but that doesn't mean you should abandon them when you want to lose weight. One 2014 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that, despite being a relatively high-calorie food, long-term nut consumption is actually associated with a reduced risk of both obesity and type 2 diabetes.
28 Add some spinach extract to your smoothies.
Take a page out of Popeye's book and add some spinach to your routine to see rapid weight loss results. One 2014 study published in the journal Appetite concluded that supplementation with spinach leaf extract over a period of 90 days caused weight loss, lowered study subjects' cholesterol, and reduced their desire for sugary and fatty foods.
29 Take your lunch break a little bit earlier.
Digging into your midday meal an hour or two earlier could yield serious results for your waistline. According to 2013 research published in the International Journal of Obesity, study subjects who ate lunch on the early side lost more weight and shed pounds faster than those who ate their midday meal after 3:00 p.m.
30 Add turmeric to your lattes.
If there's one thing that you should incorporate more into your meals, it's turmeric. Looking again at 2010's Annual Review of Nutrition report, it turns out that this spice has both anti-inflammatory and obesity-fighting properties. So don't be shy about sprinkling some in your smoothie, latte, or using it to add some flavor to your favorite dish.
31 Put on some soft music while you eat.
Working on ditching those last 10 pounds? Try putting on some soft music while you eat. In addition to soft lighting, researchers at Cornell University discovered that listening to calm music can lead to reduced caloric intake, so opt for some classical tunes instead of bouncy pop at dinner time.
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