Tip # 1—Remember to eat breakfast
- Eating breakfast reduces the likelihood of snacking on higher-calorie foods.
- Hate mid-morning slump? Eat a healthy breakfast.
- Eating breakfast can be a great start to daily healthy food choices.
Tip # 2—Bring healthy food/snacks with you
- Avoid being hungry while out, by bringing healthy food.
- Prepare and bring “grab and go” bags of cut-up vegetables.
- It’s easy to make a healthy choice when you have your healthy food with you.
Tip # 3—Eat in regular increments throughout the day
- Have you ever tried to not eat, or eat very little during the day before sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner? That frequently results in overindulging.
- Missing meals and letting yourself get too hungry often leads to poor food choices and overeating.
- No “starving” to “save calories”. Eat-in regular increments throughout the day.
Tip # 4—Bring Your Lunch
- Bringing a healthy lunch will help avoid poor lunch choices.
- It’s easy to control what you eat when you have packed it yourself.
- Avoid morning stress—pack your lunch after you eat your dinner.
Tip # 5—Prepare your refrigerator with healthy food choices
- Sometimes we want to eat right away. A refrigerator prepared with healthy options increases the chances of good food choices.
- Having vegetables washed, chopped, and ready for use increases the likelihood of eating them.
- Cooked lean protein is great to have in the refrigerator for snacking.
Tip # 6—Keep a food journal
- Keeping a food journal is an effective weight-loss tactic.
- Journals provide valuable information.
- Many successful dieters use food journals on a daily basis.
Tip # 7—Choose a good time, and then just start
- There is never a “perfect” time to start a weight loss program.
- Is there a major event next week—Thanksgiving, Vacation, or Wedding? Start the following week.
- Remember just “to start.” Often starting is the hardest part!
Tip # 8—Eat vegetables
- Try new vegetables and new vegetable recipes.
- Try different techniques to cook your vegetables.
- Snack on vegetables.
- Enjoy seasonal vegetables.
- Consider going to a Farmer’s Market. It’s the home of vegetable inspiration!
- Make vegetable part of your food plan as you lose and maintain your weight loss.
Tip # 9—Strive for mindful, not mindless eating
- Ever stand in front of the refrigerator, just stare, and then eat?
- It is far better to eat seated, slowly, and mindfully.
- We need to enjoy our food and remember what we ate.
Tip # 10—It’s important to get enough sleep
- Some researchers believe there is an association between sleep and weight loss due to the production of the hunger hormones Leptin and Ghrelin.
- Research is showing that when we get enough sleep we produce Leptin, which affects satiety.
- Conversely, the theory is not enough sleep produces Ghrelin, which affects hunger.
Tip # 11—Eat at home—mostly
- Restaurants typically are not in business to help us lose weight.
- It is much easier to control ingredients when you cook.
- Appropriate portion size is easier to maintain when you eat at home.
Tip # 12—Focus on losing 5 pounds
- The thought of losing 50 pounds may seem impossible.
- The thought of losing 5 pounds is manageable.
- I like to build upon small 5-pound mini-goals.
- Tip # 13—Sunday is a great preparation day
- Preparation is the name of the game! Sunday is a perfect preparation day.
- Prepare healthy menus, and prepare your shopping list.
- Do some shopping, chopping, and cooking for the week.
Tip # 14—Remove poor food choices from your house
- Losing weight is not easy. It is much harder with food temptations in the home.
- Spend some time giving away or throwing away junk food.
- Replace with healthy choices.
Tip # 15—Prepare for diet plateaus
- Diet plateaus can happen—so be prepared.
- Continue to follow your program.
- Do not let a plateau be the reason for you to “give up.”
Tip # 16—Small, steady, consistent changes are good
- Losing weight will not happen overnight.
- It’s important to make small, consistent, positive changes.
- Over time, small, consistent losses can become a huge total loss.
Tip # 17—Remember why you want to be at a healthy weight
- Make a list of reasons why you want to lose weight.
- Reread your list when you need motivation.
- Your list is a work in progress. Continue to update and revise.
Tip # 18—Prepare for deviations and derailments
- Many dieters have experienced a deviation or derailment.
- The key is to get “back on the train” the next day or the next meal.
- Do not let a “slip up” last for days or weeks. It does not need to ruin your program.
Tip # 19—Learn restaurant eating strategies
- Review the menu online ahead of time. It is easier to not deviate when you know ahead of time what you will be ordering.
- Order food that is grilled, broiled, steamed, or baked with “no added fat.”
- If you are really hungry, “pre-eat” with a broth-based soup, vegetables, or a salad—so you are not “starving” when you arrive.
Tip # 20—Prepare weekly menus full of healthy food options
- It is far easier to shop for groceries when you know your weekly menu.
- You are less likely to deviate from your program when you have prepared a weekly menu.
- Preparation is the name of the game. Having a weekly menu makes weekly preparation chores so much easier.
Tip # 21–Stay away from your trigger foods
- There are some foods that “trigger” our appetite. Once we start, we have difficulty stopping.
- I believe a pebble (trigger food) can start an avalanche. My pebble is pizza. Know which foods are your trigger foods.
- Stay away from your trigger foods.
Tip # 22—Strive for long-term healthy lifestyle changes
- Use your weight loss program as an opportunity to learn healthy lifestyle practices.
- Incorporate your new skills in your maintenance program.
- Maintaining weight loss is just as important as losing weight.
Tip # 23—Simple food choices are fine
- Simple, nutritious, healthy choices are just fine.
- Variety may stimulate your appetite—look at buffets. Often we overeat when there is so much choice.
- Look for recipes that are healthy, delicious, visually attractive, and simple.
Tip # 24—You are in control—not the food
- Why did we eat the wrong food? Couldn’t control yourself? There is a solution—take back control.
- When you want to eat something not on your program simply tell yourself that eating unhealthy food is “not an option”. Tell yourself this is simply “non-negotiable”.
- Maintaining control is a skill, and the more you do it, the better you get.
Tip # 25—Prepare for diet saboteurs
- Why do “friends,” tell us we do not need to lose weight?
- Why do “friends” encourage us to have “just a bite” or “little taste?”
- Why do “friends,” tell us losing weight is useless, and we will just gain it back?
- You are in control of your weight loss program, not your “friends.”
Tip # 26—Celebrate the positive food choices you make each day
- It’s important to learn from the food decisions we make on our program.
- However, we need to stop “beating ourselves up” when we make a mistake or have a slip-up.
- Acknowledge, celebrate, and then replicate the positive food choices we make each day.
Tip # 27—Failing may happen, but quitting is not an option
- The past does not define our future.
- Being at a healthy weight is worth it.
- Keep searching until you find a program that works for you.
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Weight Management: Search to End Results Step by step Process
Step 1
Apply Online as a Preferred Member
Step 2
Choose The Products For Basic
Search by SKU
- SKU 4809 - 1: Ultimate program French Vanilla 1 Kit
- SKU 0194 - 2: Personalized Protein Powder 12.7 Oz.
- SKU 0366 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Citrus Lemon 14 Bars per Box
- SKU 0364 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Vanilla Almond 14 Bars per Box
Use the Products as per the label
Step 3
Personalized Program for Weight Management
Delivers proper protein, but with fewer calories to promote weight and fat loss when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces two meals per day with a Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake.
Delivers proper protein and calories to help you maintain your weight when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces one meal per day (breakfast) with a HerbalifeNutrition Formula 1 shake.
Supplement the Daily Nutrition Plan with additional Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shakes, up to a total of three shakes per day.
Feel Free to Contact me at any time at Instagram messenger: @fiteasyno1 & https://www.instagram.com/fiteasyno1/
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