Monday, August 3, 2020

Deadlifts: The King Of Mass-Builders?

Anybody wanting to add slabs of muscle to their lower and upper body, to create a stronger and more impressionable physique, can't go past the deadlift.

Indeed, in my experience as an athlete, and based on the results witnessed by many of my personal training clients, the deadlift, if performed correctly, will build unparalleled mass while strengthening all the major muscle groups. Yes, many will argue that the squat is the King of Exercises, and will contribute to more strength and size gains than any other exercise.

While it is true that the squat does rank as one of the best size builders (and on this basis alone should be included in everyone's program), the deadlift, in my opinion, builds the upper and lower body like no other movement.

Furthermore, deadlifting will strengthen the entire back and its surrounding muscles, making this lift great for rehabilitative, and preventative, purposes. In fact, the deadlift is the most effective exercise for building the core strength that supports all other major muscle groups.

Core strength (core pertaining to the central muscles of the body; lower back, glutes and the abdominal region) is a very important health component, in that it supports the body in almost every movement and position, and the deadlift is the key core strength building movement.

While there are many great compound exercises (the squat and bench press for example), the deadlift for a variety of reasons is a special, and essential addition to any program. Still not convinced? This article will explain why the deadlift is the true King of Exercises.

Why Deadlift?

As mentioned, the benefits of deadlifting are many and varied. If you have not added it to your program yet, you probably will after learning of its amazing qualities. Indeed, deadlifting is advantageous because:

Minimum Equipment

It requires little in the way of equipment and preparation. A bar and the willingness to lift it are the only real requirements for a successful deadlift. Wraps are optional, and in many cases, not required.

Core Stability

It builds core stability. The deadlift directly targets all of the major muscle groups responsible for correct posture and core strength. The correct deadlifting technique enables one to hold their back straight when engaging in daily activities, due to its emphasis on maintaining a straight back throughout its movement.

The deadlift will also strengthen all the surrounding supporting muscles of the waist, backside, hips, and, of course, lower back. Core strength is important in terms of maintaining one's balance, and weight transference (whether in sport or daily life).

More Muscles Worked

As mentioned, it works more muscles simultaneously than any other movement (yes, including even the beloved squat). The many muscles the deadlift targets will be discussed in the next section. The deadlift truly forces the whole body to grow.


It is relatively risk-free and safe to perform. With the deadlift, there is no risk of getting pinned under a maximum lift (as with the squat and bench press), and the provided form is correct, will not unduly stress any of the major joints.

Real-Life Application

It has a real-life application. Lifting objects from the ground, from a variety of angles, is enhanced through regular deadlifting. The real-life functionality of the deadlift comes into play when one becomes strong enough to lift a heavy object (furniture for example), while decreasing the likelihood of injuring themselves.

Gripping Strength

It develops gripping strength. If done without wraps, the deadlift will strengthen the grip like no other movement due to the sheer weight involved (it is not uncommon for one to work up to 300+ pounds for repetitions).

True Measure Of Strength

It could be argued that, in a powerlifting context, the deadlift is a true measure of strength due to its lack of emphasis on various performance aids (suits, etc). It also employs more muscle groups and therefore could be deemed a better test of overall muscle strength.

Special Appeal

It has a special appeal. Simply picking a weight off the floor, and engaging all major muscle groups in the process, has a special primordial appeal - sort of like ripping a gigantic tree out of the ground. Standing and holding the massive weight also promotes a feeling of immense power

Cardio-Respiratory Fitness

It helps to develop cardiorespiratory fitness. Like the squat, deadlifts will severely tax the cardiorespiratory system if done with enough intensity. This obviously has positive ramifications for cardiovascular health. In fact, high-intensity deadlifts aerobically tax the body big time.


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